Nonprofit Spotlight

28 Nov 2018

Local Organizations Working to Make a Difference

Summer 2018

| Images: Courtesy Trevor Bloom, RJ Walter and Tricia Clark


“Conservation for the Common Good” is NRCC’s mission, and the organization works to advance conservation through efforts focusing on research,
education, innovation, leadership, and professional development. The nonprofit strives to work toward “a world where humans and wildlife co-exist and thrive in healthy ecosystems.”

Currently, the organization has 43 research associates who work around the world. Some focus on local efforts in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, while others conduct their research in far-flung locales. NRCC associates have worked in 14 different countries over the past five years. Projects can last one season, or they can be long-term. The organization’s longest-running project, a bald eagle study led by Michael Whitfield, is now in its 31st year.

In addition to field research, NRCC works to educate people about science and conservation. Every year, the organization hosts local workshops as well as the biennial Jackson Hole Wildlife Symposium.


Serving over 600 clients a year, the Curran Seeley Foundation is a nonprofit outpatient treatment agency working with substance abuse issues through treatment and prevention programs. It also provides in-school programming focusing on early intervention through the “Too Good for Drugs” program for fourth through ninth graders.

The foundation offers free consultations for people who believe they may have a problem with substance abuse, and the number of people seeking these consultations has increased rapidly in recent years.

This year, Curran Seeley celebrates its 30th anniversary and plans to focus on community wellness with the theme “Celebrating a Healthy Community.” In honor of the anniversary, the foundation is holding a variety of activities, such as a Healthy Habits contest, an alcohol-free
concert, yoga events, painting workshops, and a Winter Wellness Festival, among others. The organization also distributed pill deactivation packets to pharmacies, physical therapists, and medical providers as part of their outreach efforts.

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