Backcountry Zero
26 Mar 2017
TCSARF Program Encourages Safety
Winter 2016/2017
Written By: Kate Hull | Images: David Bowers & Courtesy TCSAR
If you left the boundaries of Jackson Hole Mountain Resort to go backcountry skiing last winter, chances are you encountered a backcountry zero intern equipped with questions. “Did you read the day’s avalanche reports?” “What’s in your pack?” “Are you heading to the backcountry with a group?”
Started last year by the Teton County Search and Rescue Foundation (TCSARF), Backcountry Zero is an initiative that aims to reduce fatalities in the Tetons year-round. As it heads into its second winter, the foundation's executive director, Stephanie Thomas, hopes to continue the conversation. “We are analyzing all of our data so we can say what type of people are leaving the resort gates, whether or not they are prepared, and if they have the right skill-set,” Thomas says. Steps like these help Thomas and her team of volunteers reach the right groups with the right messaging, whether it’s people enjoying backcountry skiing, floating down the Snake River, or mountain biking on Teton Pass. The goal is to impact all backcountry recreationists in the Tetons. The first cross-sport, year-round, community-based program of its kind in the country, Backcountry Zero is mirrored after Sweden’s successful Vision Zero program aimed at road fatalities.